Clear the Glass -Move and Write for Ease and Clarity
Clear the Glass -Move and Write for Ease and Clarity
Here is where you book THREE CLASSES.
I know you want it, I know you need it.
Those three classes are about coming back home to YOUR body and to get clear about your visions and desires in life.
Ouff. Life!!
We want to FEEL alive, don't we, -not just “staying alive”?
We´ll move the body, reflect and write to release stagnations -physical as well as mental.
All bodies, all moods, -come as you are.
Those classes are for you to get unstuck, nourish and take good care of yourself.
We´ll deep dive into rich and inquiry based movements that deepens your sense
of being in YOUR body.
Toes to fingers, sacrum to cervikal, from heart to skin; through movements that truly honours our body we will explore rolling patterns, loops and circles, and much more. Some movements will be tiny and subtle, others
more global and fierce .
All of them sensed and explored from an internal sensory perspective rather
than from the shape we see.
Before every class you will receive journal prompts to tune into your needs
and current state so that you can dig into the art of healing through movement and journaling.
Time and date:
12-13:15 CET Time (Stockholm, Sweden)
Thursdays: 20th Feb, 27th Feb 6th March.
How much?
All three classes: 79 EUR
ONE class: 29 EUR
Language? English.
If you cannot participate in real time, you can take the recorded class that
will be sent to all sign ups no later than 24 hours after class. The class will
be available 12 months after the last class.